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ARU Named University of the Year

19 March 2024

A word from Professor Roderick Watkins, Vice Chancellor: I am absolutely delighted to announce that ARU was named the Times Higher Education (THE) University of the Year 2023...

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AC Biode Logo

AC Biode

19 March 2024

AC Biode announces the introduction of CO2 Capture from Air Filters to Make Glass Raw Materials, decarbonizing raw materials for the glass industry. Download press release below.

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18 March 2024

Working with Ryan, Cambridge Cleantech sends out quarterly alerts to all members on grant funding opportunities that are available. As part of the member to member services, Ryan...

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Oxfordshire Greentech

Oxfordshire Greentech

18 March 2024

In 2019 Cambridge Cleantech helped to establish Oxfordshire Greentech as a sister innovation network, and now the two collaborate across a range of projects including: the Oxford...

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